Widows In Need (Win) & Finance
The goal of the WIN Committee is to provide our Wisters with support and confidence to live independently. We do this by educating widows at our monthly meetings, providing resources on our website, connecting socially, and giving that additional “hand up” when needed.
Every widow meets the definition of a “widow in need”. Whether it’s therapy sessions, short-term financial support, or a simple massage, the WIN committee manages requests and when needed, provides financial support in an effort to get our wisters “unstuck” and moving forward. The Finance part of this committee keeps us in compliance with non-profit rules and manages our books.
We recognize that widows make up a large part of the retired poor in our country and most women’s financial needs grow larger after the loss of their spouse . Our short-term goal is to identify resources to serve widows in our community and our long-term goal is to lift more widows out of poverty and allow all widows, regardless of income or net worth levels, to be financially secure and more productive members of society.
“The pain associated with the administrative side of widowhood perpetuates the emotional pain and vice-versa. The widow hardly has time to plan the funeral before she’s required to go back to work. Then she has to figure out her finances, process paperwork, apply for benefits, and change account titles and beneficiary designations, all while handling her grief and that of those around her.”
— Joy D. Kirsch, CFP®, CeFT® And Founder, The Widow’s Journey
Chapters & Social Committee
The purpose of this committee is to build local connections by planning fun widows-only activities around town and out-of-town. Members of this committee also maintains our private Facebook Page, leads table talk discussion during our monthly educational meetings and sets up ride-sharing to events. Once you’ve attended a monthly meeting, you’ll have access to our private Facebook Page and the “Members Only” Calendar of our website where you can check out all upcoming events. From movies and plays to concerts under the stars, trips to the Ballpark and trips to the Hill Country, we plan a wide array of activities to get you out of the house with a group of encouraging friends who understand your circumstances.